Compulsive Knitter

June 10, 2005

Road trip!

Filed under: knitting, life in general — Marie @ 2:22 pm

Just one quick entry before we leave to D.C. We’re almost packed and ready to go. I’m hot and tired though – I haven’t been sleeping well from nervousness (I am almost always nervous before a trip.) and the heat (for Michigan standards) has been brutal lately. But once we get there and get settled in, I’ll feel much better!

Packing has been difficult. Our car is small (plus we have two cats to transport!), so I haven’t been able to pack as much as I’d like. I’m sure we’ll be fine, since I usually overpack anyways. I really had to cut down on the knitting projects I could bring. I am consoling myself by remembering that I will be busy knitting this summer for my future nephew. (They just found out it will be a boy.) Because there are so many great yarn shops in the D.C. area, I can get the yarn for a baby blanket and baby socks there! Yay – new yarn purchases I can justify. My birthday is also coming up soon, so I am sure I justify some new yarn (a Clapotis finally?) for that as well….


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