Compulsive Knitter

May 21, 2006

Startitis rears its ugly head

Filed under: knitting — Marie @ 7:44 pm

No sooner than I make some headway on one project, then I get hit with startitis. I’m getting pretty close to starting the last sleeve of the shrug, but I’m already chomping at the bit to start something else. I was considering joining the Green Gable KAL, but then I realized that the Cascade Sierra I have (leftover from the failed boobholder) probably won’t be enough to make the size I need. So that one goes on the backburner for now, since I’d rather use up yarn I already have if I’m going to start something new. The plan now is to finish the shrug, then start working on Lucky again and maybe start over with the cable eight sweater (which is no longer dead to me).

Realistically, I think I have enough to keep me busy for the summer, but it is always tempting to have more projects waiting in the wings. I just recently organized my bookmarks for patterns I’d like to knit, and I have no fewer than ten items in the sweater/tee/tank folder alone. (And I see that I’ve bookmarked Green Gable twice – that must be a sign!) We’ll be going to Germany for a month this summer to visit my husband’s family and I’d like to bring along enough knitting, but who am I kidding – I’ll be in the land of yarn, so I’m sure to find something to knit!

For now I’m going to resist temptation. I keep telling myself to wait until I get my stipend in the fall. Two words: yarn budget! Then I shall go forth and spend without guilt.

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