Compulsive Knitter

October 14, 2007

Not so good…

Filed under: knit-a-longs, life in general — Marie @ 3:20 pm

The suckfest continues, unfortunately.  I am pretty much behind in everything and disappointing people right and left.  All I can do is the best I can, but it’s not the best feeling, naturally.  I do feel somewhat better that I have a plan of attack right now, however.  I am already mostly caught up in one area this weekend (if only staying caught up was easy!) and LDH will take over commuting duties the rest of the month.

Of course, I haven’t finished my sockapalooza socks either.  I was winding down to the final pattern repeats of the foot when I ran out of yarn, as feared.  (I told you my sockpal has big feet – Trekking Pro Natura has pretty generous yardage!)  But yarnbow on eBay came to the rescue with more yarn and fast shipping.  I highly recommend the seller!  I may try to finish off the foot tonight for some relaxation.  (Perhaps the toe decreases should wait for my full attention.)

All is not doom and gloom; something neat did happen recently.  I’m not a professional photographer, but one of my pictures on Flickr was chosen for the Schmap Tampa Guide.  I was pretty flattered.

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