Compulsive Knitter

November 18, 2006

In denial…must add more projects to the queue!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Marie @ 11:55 am

I’ve been thinking lately about baby stuff I can knit, as encouraged by my mom. It’s a good thing too, as I’ve just been made an aunt again! (That makes five nieces and nephews now…for someone who doesn’t even have aunts or uncles, this seems like a lot!) So, even though I don’t ever getting around to finishing my own projects, I’ve found some potential Christmas gifts. For the baby, I’ve found this baby kimono pattern. (Warning, LionBrand might make you sign in before looking at the pattern, but it IS free.) Now, even I should be able to knit a tiny thing like that in how ever many weeks are left (three? I have no idea and don’t feel like counting) until Christmas.

For my nephew, I’ve been eyeing the Sherwood pattern from Knitty. I have my doubts about being able finish that in time, but maybe I could start one for his birthday or next Christmas. And it will give me an excuse to order some yarn for Picovoli for myself, since who wants to only order a measly four balls of yarn? What a waste in shipping costs! 🙂

Time to get back to my paper, unfortunately. But soon it will be time to leave for the airport to pick up my husband. *happy dance*


November 12, 2006

Slipping through the cracks

Filed under: Uncategorized — Marie @ 12:08 pm

I could’ve sworn I posted in November already, but I see I haven’t. Good thing I thought twice about participating in NaBloPoMo! Yeah, like that would happen. I’m still drowning in school and work. I have a voice assessment due on Tuesday, which I tried to finish last night, but my two second attention span got in the way of that goal. And then I present for half of my neuro class (about 30-35 minutes) Wednesday on diagnostic techniques. At least talking in front of people doesn’t really bother me. I’m trying to finish my power point for that today because… I’ve got a 20 page paper (of which I’ve written a grand total of 1.25 pages) due on the 20th. That is the thing that makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I like to write, but writing academic papers is like pulling teeth for me – I guess because I’m too much of a perfectionist. I’d like to finish it before my husband gets here on the 18th (Woohoo! Probably my #1 distraction right now), but that may be wishful thinking. And don’t even get me started about work. When I get home after one of my work days, I just feel like sitting on the couch, slack-jawed, numbing my brain by watching E!…

I do try to squeeze in a bit of knitting here and there, however, for my own mental health. I took that picture of cable eight a few weeks ago (I think) and it has grown at least an inch or two since then. Before I pick it up again I need to wind at least two more balls of the Pachuko cotton. I really hope Santa Claus keeps his promise to send me a ball winder and swift this year – no more winding by hand! I’m sorry if my snail-like progress on knitting is boring. Believe me, I wish it were otherwise! I have some serious project envy for all of the FOs I see out there in the blogosphere…


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